I was recently asked to take part in a “navel gazing”
exercise as a part of the eResearch2020
project and it got me thinking about both where GeoNet has come from, but more
importantly, where we are going over the next decade. What will be the big
changes? Where will sensor and data processing be at in another 10 years? Is
the past a good predictor of the future? So first let’s look back to look
forward in this first part of a short blog series.
In the beginning ….
In 1982 I was employed to investigate the possibility of
collecting all New Zealand’s seismograph data centrally and electronically in
Wellington. In those days all earthquake recording required those rotating
drums and needles that movie sets so love. And most of the recording was done
onto film which needed developing before use. I quickly established that the
cost of digitally recording and transmitting all of the data to Wellington
would climb into the millions of dollars (and that was 1982 dollars!). That
could have been the shortest job ever – but I am still working on GeoNet more than
three decades later!
Going digital ….
The solution at the time (mid-1980s) was to “go digital” and
record the earthquake data on magnetic tapes that were then posted to
Wellington for analysis. So I worked on methods of identifying the earthquake
signals in the background noise caused by the weather, people and other
animals. We could only record 25 MBytes (yes you read that right, mega-bytes
not giga-bytes!) on each tape so we had to “throw away” most of the recorded
ground signals. The world moved slower in the 1980s, but by around 1990 most of
the 30 or so earthquake recording sites around New Zealand had been converted
to digital recording.
Fast earthquake
location, 1990 style ….
At that stage the tapes were posted to us once a week by the
local farmers meaning it could take up to a month to get all the data required to
locate an earthquake. The short cut was to ring the farmers who would read off
earthquake wave arrival times from a paper printout. Using that information and
data from seismographs around the Wellington region, we would be able to (if
luck was on our side and the farmers were at home) provide a rough location and
size for a well recorded felt earthquake in about an hour. The height of
technology and science at the time!
I have just checked - the last tape from those old “tape
seismographs” was received and read in mid-2005, only a little over eight years
ago. By then we had made the huge change to recording ground shaking
continuously at our seismograph sites and transferring the data to our data
centres almost instantly for analysis. For many years following 2005 our
earthquake processing, although now much faster, still required manual
intervention to achieve acceptable results. All locations sent to the GeoNet
website were reviewed by a seismologist before publication – a process
requiring about 20 minutes.
A new beginning ….
From the beginning of GeoNet in July 2001 we progressively replaced
the tape seismographs, added other sensor
technologies and increasing the number of sensor sites from around 60 in 2001
to over 600 in 2012. Then in 2012 we introduced GeoNet Rapid with automatic
earthquake processing and reporting including a blow-by-blow record of the
“history” of the earthquake location process published directly to the GeoNet
Next blog - GeoNet
2023 Part 2: The here and now